Seafood Supersalt

Perfect Fish and Seafood Spice Mixture! Sprinkle on fish fillets, shrimp, and scallops before baking, sautéing, or grilling. Add when steaming clams and crab. Spice a delicious seafood chowder or bisque.
Special, High-Quality Ingredients, and No Preservatives: Salt, Black Pepper, Onion, Garlic, Paprika, Celery Seed, Lemon, Orange, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Chili Powder, Cloves, Dry Beans (to naturally absorb humidity)
Price: $6.50
Net Weight: 3.3oz   Dimensions 4.2″ tall, 2″ diamater

This spice blend is also available in the “Seafood Lover” Gift Pack

This spice blend is also available in “Spice Rack” Gift Pack